



ARTINNO, a “featured town” of Zhejiang province covering a space of 3.5 square kilometers as planned, sits at the core area of Zhijiang Belt for Cultural Industries in Hangzhou. Liu Ji, a great Chinese fortuneteller back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), left his comment that it was the very place to promise supreme power and wealth. Today, Artinno is considered an urban attraction comprised of picturesque views and cultural sites, so alluring to whoever in pursuit of art, retro styles and celebrity in cyberspace. It never fails to delight you with breath-taking views and recreational spots anytime, including the “top ten places to go” that we are so proud of. Along with what we have now, therefore, we are going to make it a great model to all featured towns in respect of cultural industries, career development for designers, and the future of digital art.
  • 小冰岛:原生态的冷冽荒野感,风靡杭城的五星网红打卡点(★★★★★)
    Xiao Bingdao (Little Iceland)A must to go nowadays for whoever in search of such an unworldly natural sight that exists perhaps in Iceland only.

  • 艺创绿地:小镇的标志打卡地,面积约5600平的草坪区(★★★★★)
    Yichuang Lvdi (Greensward of Artinno)A greensward, as a signature Artinno spot, covering a space of some 5,600 square meters.

  • 凤眠书吧:香港著名软装设计师方振华.设计,杭州唯一一家24小时开放的可通借通还的图书馆(★★★★★)
    Fengmian Shuba (Fengmian Book Club & Café)The city’s first and only 24/7 book-lending facility designed by Patrick C. W. Fong, a renowned FF&E designer from Hong Kong, as an affiliate to Hangzhou Public Library.

  • 凤凰艺市:杭州市最具特色的文创集市,网红达人和模特喜爱的外景摄影场所(★★★★★)
    Fenghuang Yishi (Fair for Innovations and Arts) A must-go spot to find innovative artworks and to spotlight cyber celebrities and models as well.

  • 怀旧食巷:杭州唯一一处水泥厂风格的“美味食巷”(★★★★★)
    Huaijiu Shixiang (Food Lane Recalling Old Days)A lane flanked by bars and cafés all converted from leftover buildings.

  • 水杉鹭影:20年以上树龄的水杉色彩斑斓,鱼翔浅底,鹭影翻飞的林荫道(★★★★)
    Shuishan Luying (A Glimpse of Egrets over Wooded Pond)A densely-shaded habitat for a range of wild species like metasequoia trees, which are all over 20 years old, and egrets skimming over the crystal pond.

  • 习语星光:习近平总书记经典名句的内廷游步道(★★★★)
    Xiyu Xingguang (Stars of Quotes from President Xi)Stars aligned and engraved with quotes from the Chinese President Xi Jinping.

  • 银杏阶庭:银杏翩跹起舞的休闲中庭(★★★)
    Yinxing Jieting (Stepped Courtyard Alive with Ginkgo Trees)A courtyard that is stepped and furnished with ginkgo trees.

  • 五彩流霞:长约200米的特色游步道(★★★)
    Wucai Liuxia (Sidewalks Attired in A Riot of Colors)A pair of colored sidewalks some 200 meters long.

  • 艺苑广场:“可观、可居、可游”的下沉式广场(★★★)
    Yiyuan Guangchang (Sunken Plaza of Phoenix Building)A sunken plaza attached to the Phoenix Innovation Buildings for people to work, relax and stay.

    • 全国首个由水泥厂改造的文化创意园
    • 全国唯一一个以艺术创意为特色的国家大学科技园
    • 全省首个由城中村改造而成的文化创意艺术街区
    • The first cultural & creative park converted from a cement plant in China
    • The only national university science park in China best known for its cultural & creative industries
    • The first cultural & creative district converted from an urban village in Zhejiang province
    • 联系地址:杭州市西湖区转塘街道创意路1号
    • 咨询电话:0571-87099115
    • NO.1 Chuangyi Road,Zhuantang Town,West
    • Lake District,Hangzhou City
    • Tel:0571-87099115
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